Categories 3D Printing

Introducing Corona Designs’ Raspberry Pi Camera Trigger

Corona Designs is introducing its Raspberry Pi Camera Trigger — a simple camera trigger device to interface directly with Raspberry Pi’s GPIO header. This allows for the Raspberry Pi to automatically control any camera compatible with a standard remote shutter release. This device is useful for creating computer-controlled timelapse…

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Categories 3D Printing

dSLR External Zoom & Focus Driver

The dSLR External Zoom & Focus Driver project will provide a simple and effective way to externally control zoom or focus of dSLR lenses.  The primary intent of this is for use with time-lapse photography, where small increments of zoom or focus are made before or after each…

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Categories 3D Printing

3D Printed Camera Dolly for Video or Time-lapse Photography

Overview Adding motion to time-lapse photography and video shots adds depth and interest to your scene.  Doing this, however, can be a tricky task.  Time-lapses using long exposures need to have a still scene during each exposure.  Movement of the camera must be made in-between shots.  To do this, a stable…

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