Installing an External Camera Trigger on a Raspberry Pi and Octoprint
Corona Designs’ Raspberry Pi dSLR camera trigger is a very useful device to allow the Raspberry Pi to trigger an external camera. Either manually, or automatically, there are many ways to use the trigger. This post provides instructions on how to install the device, and configure software to trigger an external camera. The trigger can…
Introducing a Raspberry Pi GPIO Hardware Trigger for SLR Cameras
Corona Designs is introducing a simple camera trigger to interface directly with Raspberry Pi’s GPIO header. This allows for the Raspberry Pi to automatically control any camera compatible with a standard remote shutter release. This device is useful for creating computer-controlled timelapse photography, stop motion photography, or other remotely controlled or automatic photography based on other…
Printrbot Simple Metal – Thoughts after a few years of ownership
With the recent news of Printrbot shutting their doors, I thought I’d write a post on how my Printrbot Simple Metal has performed for me over the years. The Simple is still the only 3D printer I own, and I think that’s a testament to its build quality, performance and its capabilities.
dSLR External Zoom & Focus Driver
The dSLR External Zoom & Focus Driver project will provide a simple and effective way to externally control zoom or focus of dSLR lenses. The primary intent of this is for use with time-lapse photography, where small increments of zoom or focus are made before or after each frame. This device could be used for videography as…